The board room is where the most important decisions are made. If they lead to an innovative approach to strategic planning or assist you in avoiding the pitfalls of a costly tactical error, effective board meetings are a critical aspect of the success of your business. Boardroom etiquette, a solid understanding of parliamentary procedures, and the ability to ignite productive discussion are crucial.
A well-planned meeting agenda is the foundation of an effective board. It sets the agenda for the meeting and outlines the important issues that need to be discussed and guides the flow of the discussion. It also allows the board to address all the required topics within the time frame of the meeting and significantly improves the overall management of a business.
The presiding officer will call the meeting into order when the time is established. The presiding officer will then call the roll to verify that there is a quorum. After all attendees are accounted for the agenda and prior minutes are approved. The board then goes over any unresolved old business and reviews any additional issues that have been added to the agenda for this particular meeting. Once these issues have been addressed, the board may close the meeting.
To ensure a smooth boardroom, it is recommended to reduce time spent on reports or “have to” items. This allows the board to devote a larger percentage of the meeting to discussing the strategic direction of the board and other important matters. The board can also reduce on reports by asking committee officers and chairpersons to provide only the most important details in a brief and concise report prior to the meeting.